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Start xSpeed:

Only Drag xSpeed bar to change speed freely!
Increase speed (Speed value is red) or decrease Speed (Speed value is blue), as well as adjust to the appointed speed immediately by hotkey.
Single clicking right button to minimize the window.

Set xSpeed.net:

1. Set Hotkey:
You can set a series of hot keys to change your Speed.
Press hot key and change speed anytime!!
There are predefined hotkeys enable and we set 5 default hotkeys in hotkey group A or B.
Hotkey Group A (default), Group B (The NumLock Key should be on):

Hotkey1speed decrease to 2 timesGNum4
Hotkey2original speedHNum5
Hotkey3speed increase to 2 timesJNum6
Speedup(+)up speed from currentYNum+
Speeddown(-)down speed from currentNNum-
If the "Half Step" is checked then up Speed and down Speed is tiny step.

2. Set Speciality:
Speed Up Limit: Limit the max speed, if your cpu<400Hz, e advise you to select 64 on list.
Quickly stop or resume speed up: Press Hotkey F8 twice can speed up shortly, the game Server can't find speed change.
Enable or Disable Hotkey: Press Hotkey F9 to disable or enable Hotkeys, The icon in tray will change color.
When xSpeed.net starts with Windows Hotkeys are disabled, You can press F9 to enable them.
Starts with Window: Enable this option to automatically start xSpeed.net whenever windows starts.
Always stay on Top: Enable this option to set start xSpeed.net always stay on the top of screen.
Disable Sound: Don't play sound when using Hotkeys.